Loan in Windsor Gardens name, then went to our BOARD for approval. Homeowners were never allowed to ask what the moneys were used for since we continued paying HOA fees during the pandemic. Salaries were paid through our HOA FeesWe have NO transparency as to where the money was spent and our HOA fees increase yearly.Was the PPP Loan repaid?? As I know it was a large amount. Homeowners are not allowed to ask questions about certain transactions. When asked we are ignored or threatened with a lawsuit. There is NO transparency from our Board or Manager. Our fees are high and we have wonderful amenities. Our fees are paying our restaurants utilities and they have free rent until March of 2024 , per Windsor Gardens Management!! That’s where eare HOA fees are going!! The homeowners were told this after the fact!! I have lived in WG 10yrs and have noticed misuse of our fees. We don’t even know the salaries of our employees or managers. Very unusual, as I have lived in HOA communities for 30 years and was always given a yearly report of salaries.Very perplexed. Do you have the answers or advice??
Thank you for visiting the community engagement tool for the Metropolitan District Homeowners’ Rights Task Force.
Pursuant to HB23-1105, this project has now concluded. On behalf of the Department of Regulatory Agencies and the Division of Real Estate, we want to thank you for your interest and participation.