Failure of Leadership by the Governor

• I first discussed H.O.A. issues with my Congress Critter -- I forget his name, but I hear he's the Governor of Colorado now -- 11 years ago, on August 29 2012.

• I met him again about half a dozen times over the next three to four years, until he made it clear to me that he was not interested in hearing about H.O.A. issues.

• Since becoming Governor in 2019, he has done nothing to help H.O.A.-burdened homeowners. Instead, he simply waits for the legislature to send him flawed bills to sign.

• There are things he could do by Executive Order, which I have already written for him; click → here ← to read it.

• Although the statutory deadline for appointments to the HB23-1105 H.O.A. Homeowners Rights Task Farce was August 01 2023 -- 30 days ago -- he still has not appointed the members he is required by law to appoint.

At this time, we have not received all the appointments, but have received some of the appointments.

Click → here ← to read the e-mail I received from DORA this morning.

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Pursuant to HB23-1105, this project has now concluded. On behalf of the Department of Regulatory Agencies and the Division of Real Estate, thank you for your interest and participation.