XCEL can do better

We live in lower Sugarloaf, west of Boulder. I've been a long-time supporter XCEL and its ability to manage events that involve outages, and, until now, thought people on the inside of XCEL really were focused on "keeping the lights on" in rough times. But to me this intentional outage for our area looked like just a draconian CYA kind of effort initiated by uninspiring and uncaring executives from far away.

Our power was cut off for 26 hours, and the actual wind event occurred several hours after the scheduled outage time, with winds that didn't come close to matching other storms in the past.

I realize other areas were hit harder, and there have been times in which our area of lower Sugarloaf has gotten the brunt of the storm. But with little explanation, and seemingly little flexibility in how the intentional outage was executed, it appears to many of us that we now have to look into whole-home propane generators as a way to deal with the new XCEL. I think XCEL can do better. Use technology to better address specific localities, and put some energy into minimizing forced outages where possible. Were you doing that already? It certainly did not appear that way to us. Thank you, Mike

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