The high cost of low maintenance

We were without power, heat, and hot water for almost 48 hours. We lost hundreds of dollars’ worth of food, and it was very difficult to take care of my very ill adult daughter. After the first day, a neighbor said it would be out for another day. This sent me looking for ice to put in coolers to try to save some of our food. I went to 14 places looking for ice in Boulder, Louisville, and Superior without success.

According to NOAA, at , there have been many days with similar wind issues, so we can expect to be frequently without power due to this new policy?

It is expensive to maintain infrastructure, but it needs to be fit for purpose. Can we be sure the PUC will ensure a modern reliable system from a company under pressure to maintain profits and simply turn the utility off rather than incur the expense of proper maintenance?

I would imagine the hard-working crews have a good idea of what needs to be done. I hope they are being listened to.

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