
The majority of people that lost power due to the shutoff would have likely lost power anyway during the wind storm. This was a bad weather event, don't forget that. It literally uprooted 150-200ft trees which then fell into structures and power lines. There were also several fires that started that day due to the wind. While I understand the wildfire risk is there, the power shutoff is also what happens when a power company is sued for something in Colorado that they didn't do. Read the facts people. It sure is convenient that Boulder County did the investigation and now Boulder County is one of the many entities suing Xcel. Why isn't anyone asking Boulder Open Space to manage the grasslands to prevent a wildfire? Or suing 12 Tribes? Based on the comments I've read here Xcel is damned if they do, and damned if they don't. What do you want them to do? How would they know 2-4 days in advance that a wind storm is really going to happen? Then if they don't predict the weather correctly, people will complain about that. It's called mother nature and it can't always be predicted. At the end of the day people just want to hear themselves complain and there is no appreciation for the first responders and utility workers that worked many hours to get the power back on. Please consider reality instead of resorting to "group think" opinions and playing the victim. People around the globe have it a lot worse, and these are minor inconveniences compared to the devastation of a fire.

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