Thank You Task Force

I have spent probably too many hours of my life listening to the HOA Task Force meetings. They finished their work on Friday. Regardless of my initial skepticism, many of their conclusions and suggestions were well-thought-out and some might be an improvement over the current situation.

However, I am quite disappointed that the Colorado Legislators seldom if ever attended, even after the meeting dates were changed to accommodate their schedules. I thought they were willing to listen to all sides of the debate about what HOAs should be able to do, but that obviously was not the case. That is further proven by the fact that bills were introduced regarding foreclosure, etc. without even the courtesy of attending a Task Force meeting to tell the members what had been proposed.

It seems the Legislators are fixated on the notion that HOAs are eagerly and often foreclosing on homes in Colorado, which members of the Task Force noted is not the case. Foreclosures are actually rare, and I believe, sometimes that outcome is better for the remainder of the homeowners in the HOA.

The one foreclosure I have been part of during my time on an HOA Board (over 6 years) was halted when the homeowner paid all that she owed hours before the Sheriff's Auction was scheduled. That homeowner is now in arrears again and was responsible last summer for over $14,000 in vandalism damages to an outdoor electric panel in our association. The dues-paying homeowners paid for that repair and 12 units were without power for portions of two days. Since the Legislators believe that no one should ever lose their home regardless of what they do or don't do, I am more than certain that the members of our association will continue to pay this person's freight. No one has asked them if they want to provide snow removal, water, landscape care, and building maintenance, plus paying for vandalism, for that unit without any hope of recompense.

Again, my thanks to the Task Force members.

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Pursuant to HB23-1105, this project has now concluded. On behalf of the Department of Regulatory Agencies and the Division of Real Estate, thank you for your interest and participation.