No checks and balances, lack of responsiveness and a vehicle for neighbor harassment

Let me start by saying that in the first and only HOA meeting I’ve attended in person (they’re far too long and allow for very little owner input), the board openly stated that their budget relies on the collection of fines and fees outside of the monthly assessment in order to be balanced. This already goes against the purpose of what HOAs are supposed to serve in protecting property values, and creates a culture of actively seeking to impose fines and infractions on the captive members of said HOA.

Since buying a home and joining an HOA 2 years ago, I have repeatedly received fines and fees that do not correspond with the HOA bylaws, and while those that I have been able to address have been cleared, I am constantly met with complete radio silence from the board and management company when I reach out to them through their portal, which they say to use. I do not have the time or energy to be constantly fighting invalid fees when I have to go out of my way to even get a response from a human being. Let alone a resolution.

I have been assessed late fees and handling fees for on time payments that exceed the value of the monthly assessment by more than 33%.

This culture of silence and imposed fines without any personal contact, have empowered my neighbor to launch a campaign of harassment whereby he has cameras pointed at my backyard and property, where I am reported for “violations” that would otherwise go unnoticed by the community and HOA. It is simply impossible to fight these violations without meticulously studying the bylaws and then trying to get in contact with the board or management company, and dedicating an inordinate amount of time and effort for something that could easily be discussed and resolved via email or phone.

At this point I have several unanswered responses to fines and violations, that I do not have the resources to dedicate myself to, and despite this I have to continue paying my monthly assessment to avoid being kicked out of the home I pay for!

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Thank you for visiting the community engagement tool for the HOA Homeowners’ Rights Task Force.  

Pursuant to HB23-1105, this project has now concluded. On behalf of the Department of Regulatory Agencies and the Division of Real Estate, thank you for your interest and participation.