My suggestions for the HOA Task Force

Good morning, I had the opportunity to sit in on the Task Force meeting yesterday which began at 3:00 pm. I run a business, so I had to pop in an out occasionally for short periods of time. So I may have missed a few things.

I currently belong to an HOA. Some years back I was a VP of a an HOA Board.

I was impressed by the knowledge set, discourse, and professionalism.

My suggestions are two ...once the Task Force picks a method to approach the various issues, what I heard was an 'arbitration' approach under the DORA umbrella....once that decision is made I am suggesting that a limited pilot approach take place in two different segments types.

The first being geographic area such as a zip code where the most delays, litigations and related problems develop. What we learn from this.

The second being a mirrored opposite where a geographic area rarely experiences is and are low end of HOA issues that end up in court. What will we learn from this as well.

Contributing factors and statistics related to the age of the HOA structures, how old are the buildings, municipal infrastructure, pests, pets, noise, neighbors, smells aroma, trash, parking and a plethora of other issues that arise.

What are the top 3-5 core issues/causes. Let's get them categorized and ranked by count or severity. Limiting the team's attention to a few focuses on the onset will help create a model(s) to move forward.

My professional back ground was with Fed Ex, as a problem identifier and solver, nearly 30 years.

Thanks for an opportunity to provide input.

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Pursuant to HB23-1105, this project has now concluded. On behalf of the Department of Regulatory Agencies and the Division of Real Estate, thank you for your interest and participation.