I received an email notice this morning at 6a.m. informing me of a meeting at 1pm today. The meeting is called by our HOA Board which is going out of office at the end of this year. We have a new Board elected. The current Board is calling this meeting to recall the HGMD Board, duly elected this year, because they are having problems negotiating with them. This is the first notice of this meeting and it's purpose. They give no mention of providing zoom attendance. It seems as if they are trying to sneak something over on our members. Especially calling this type of meeting to hire a lawyer and provide another election which will cause big expenditures. Especially activating this motion at a time when many of our residents are out of town for the winter or the Holidays. I am sure that they have not had time to contact non resident owners. Is this type of action legal?
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Pursuant to HB23-1105, this project has now concluded. On behalf of the Department of Regulatory Agencies and the Division of Real Estate, thank you for your interest and participation.