HOA - Waste of Money

Having an HOA has provided little benefit for the astronomical amount we pay. When I first purchased in 2019, there was a hail storm the day after closing. The HOA never communicated to my insurance which coverage I needed; therefore I didn’t have adequate coverage. The HOA needed to replace all roofs but since I didn’t have proper coverage I had to pay $3,800 out of pocket and my roof was never even replaced. Every year we get into late July early August before lawn sprinklers are turned on, rendering our grass dead, so why pay astronomical prices to have ugly yards. They have neglected to fill the reserve funds over the last several years so now they want to double our HOA payment. Mind you we already pay $290/M, and for subpar lawn maintenance and lazy snow removal. We all have buckling water damaged siding, bald spots in our lawns, dead trees everywhere and huge pot holes in the alley. Why do we now have to go broke fixing the mistake of bad management? Why pay all the fees for maintenance and professional management if nobody is going to do their job correctly, and manage the money. We want to sell and move to a non HOA neighborhood but now can’t afford to leave because buying in CO is impossible unless you magically had a substantial increase in income over the last two years. This state is going down the tubes and frankly HOA’s are money suckers just like our government.

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Pursuant to HB23-1105, this project has now concluded. On behalf of the Department of Regulatory Agencies and the Division of Real Estate, thank you for your interest and participation.