HOA levied fine without hearing

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Sawgrass Fines Me w/o Hearing

See attached photo of the fine Imposed unlawfully. As a result of pursuing a demand for accommodation due to inadequate insurance which the HOA defaulted upon in January 2023, I demanded they hold off accessing my roof until proper insurance was obtained. They wanted to get on top of the roof for the purpose of cleaning the roof Rain gutters. This could be done with ladders or a mechanical lift, and getting on top of the roof was dangerous. Because of the lack of adequate insurance, it put me at liability. Consequently, they fined me in the amount of the attorneys fees, for my protest of this action. Additionally, as a result, the HOA did, in fact, access the roof without notifying me, or arranging a time and place and violating OSHA regulations. Thus they voided the 25/30 year roof warranty, which was put on by a different contractor in 2017. Since I am a fully paid up member of the association and an owner of undivided interest in every area of common property and of limited common property for the townhomes, if this is not a fine, then, it is an unlawful assessment without 2/3 vote of the community to charge all members for these added fees. The HOA legal firm and its lawyers, as well as the HOA property manager, and the Board are incorrect. The lack of property insurance has been validated by several insurance agents and an another Broker. As an owner of undivided interest in every area of common property and limited common property for the townhomes, if this is not a fine, then, it is a unlawful assessment without 2/3 vote of the community to charge for these fees. I already pay for these legal services through my monthly dues.The Association acts as an owners association for the townhomes, but selected a condo policy naming a group of buildings which does not include each of the townhomes by specific address as “additional insureds” as required by CCIOA.

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Pursuant to HB23-1105, this project has now concluded. On behalf of the Department of Regulatory Agencies and the Division of Real Estate, thank you for your interest and participation.