Foreclosure initiated against neighbor

An elderly neighbor of mine who is up to date on her mortgage recently had the HOA initiate a foreclosure process against her. The HOA feels this is justified to cover unpaid fines which snowball due to legal fees incurred by the HOA to attempt to collect smaller fines from said homeowner (in other words, small fines snowball when the HOA chooses to involve a lawyer and charge to the homeowner). HOA’s should be required to shoulder 50% of legal fees to incentivize against snowballing of fees and/or fees should be capped at some sane amount (e.g., $5-10,000). Additionally, homes should not be allowed to be sold below X % of market value (50%??). Alternatively HOA’s in Colorado should only be allowed to make suggestions about private property appearances (rather than have the power to impose fines against homeowners who are not breaking any laws), so that their primary remit becomes maintaining common areas like pools and greenbelts.
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Pursuant to HB23-1105, this project has now concluded. On behalf of the Department of Regulatory Agencies and the Division of Real Estate, thank you for your interest and participation.