Being Optimistic

After attending all of the Task Force meetings and some DORA meetings, I would hope that everyone can agree on one thing: the current laws are one-sided and the homeowners need protection!

I find it very hard to believe that some task force members have been in the industry for over 20-30 years and claim to be totally unaware of any wrongdoings of some HOA management companies. They seem intent on minimizing the problems of our communities and dismiss our concerns. One is even downright confrontational, causing more and more hostility between HOA's and homeowners, when I thought their task was supposed to be to listen and report back to Gov. Polis.

If they are such great community managers, they should be appalled at some of the stories and would want to set a good example and help!

We are not all idiots. We know that there will be dues increases due to cost of living.

Most of us homeowners have no problem with the Rules and Regulations.

We DO have a problem with things being done illegally and need someone to do something about it.

As far as licensing and training, I don't see any downside to that. In fact, it might even attract more homeowners to the board if there will be some oversight!

As it is now, I would not want to be associated with a corrupt board or a corrupt management company.

There have been some great suggestions made by Stanley Hrincevich, HOA United, Rep. Ricks and others, which would have little cost.

Any cost however, would far outweigh the cost to homeowners being charged outrageous special assessments and some even losing their homes.

Enforcement was mentioned more than once. Homeowners have no recourse and need help ASAP!!!

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Pursuant to HB23-1105, this project has now concluded. On behalf of the Department of Regulatory Agencies and the Division of Real Estate, thank you for your interest and participation.