I attended a building meeting for Bldg. 236 in Heather Gardens. It was held at 6pm to 7:10pm 1/25/2024. I am appalled at what is going on here. After the meeting was adjourned our Asst. Area Representative asked members to remain and sign a recall petition for our HGMD Board. Our Area Rep. allowed him to do this. The HGMD board is not allowed to post any information regarding this matter so that members are not well informed on both sides Our HGMD board was validly elected last year by all of the Complex members. They have taken back the running of the clubhouse, which is owned by the Metropolitan District. They have discontinued the agreement that was made about 5 yrs. ago for the HOA to handle the HGMD money and pay bills. The HGMD board is trying to reconcile the charges presented to them, and the HOA will not cooperate. As I understand there seems to be about 1 million dollars charged to the Metro District that is unaccounted for at this time. This is getting entirely out of hand. The people fighting for the recall are having meetings at our clubhouse. I will not go to the recall meetings because the last one broke out in physical fights and security people had to be called. I must stay away for my own safety and I am also afraid that someone will pull out a gun. The HGMD calls meetings to explain their side of this dilemma and they have decorum. People can speak their mind without impunity. There has to be some way to allow our new HGMD Board to do their jobs. We need people whom we can trust and not people who are hiding things. Is there any way that you can help us protect ourselves and bring peace back to our community.
Thank you for visiting the community engagement tool for the HOA Homeowners’ Rights Task Force.
Pursuant to HB23-1105, this project has now concluded. On behalf of the Department of Regulatory Agencies and the Division of Real Estate, thank you for your interest and participation.